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The Highlands Ability Battery

The Highlands Ability Battery is the gold-standard among tools assessing human abilities or aptitudes. Developed from the pioneering clinical studies of Johnson O’Connor, it is a three-hour objective inquiry into the abilities and ability patterns of the individual who completes it.

The Battery consists of nineteen different worksamples. Each worksample is timed to measure the speed with which the individual is able to do a particular series of similar tasks. The individual’s score on each worksample establishes whether a particular task is more or less easy for that individual. Shown together on a personal profile and bar chart, the scores achieved by each individual reveal patterns or “clusters” of abilities which require analysis by a skilled interpreter. Once these patterns or “clusters” are understood, the individual is helped to guide his life and work into more productive and satisfying channels.

About Abilities... Everyone is born with a range of abilities unique to him or her. It’s fair to say that these abilities are essentially hard-wired. They mature during infancy and can be measured in most individuals after the age of fourteen. Highlands measures these abilities by asking the individual to perform nineteen hands-on worksamples.

One example of an innate ability is manifested when an individual is confronted with a number of seemingly unrelated objects or facts and is asked to organize them into their unifying relationship. We call this ability Classification. Individuals who score high in this ability are good at solving new problems and like change and challenge. Persons who score low will find that they work best when their tasks are well-defined and organized.

The function of the Highlands Ability Battery is to define each Ability and then to determine the patterns or “clusters” into which each person’s abilities fall. Armed with this knowledge, the individual is able to avoid stress and achieve satisfaction and success at work or school.

To download a descriptive brochure Click Here.

When a student completes the Highlands Ability Battery, she receives a special student report. The report is different from the adult report in several respects. It is specially designed to address the student’s need to make important choices among options in study and career. The report relates the student’s ability to perform a particular worksample to her score on the worksample.

The student’s score on a particular worksample shows the ease with which she can perform the task measured by the worksample. Because the worksample is timed, the student’s score will show whether the worksample was more or less easy to perform. A student who finds a particular task easy to do will be happiest and most productive in work requiring that task. A student who finds a particular task relatively difficult is able to perform the task, given enough time, but will probably be more comfortable and satisfied in some other task which comes more easily to her.

When a student knows and understands her true abilities, she is more likely to pursue studies and a career which will produce the greatest measure of satisfaction and stability throughout her life.

For a sample student report click here    

To schedule the Highlands Ability Battery for yourself or someone you love click here