The Seven Motives Assessment allows an individual to identify which primary motivations come most instinctively in any of life’s situations. Whether at play, work, school, or home, and among family, friends, or complete strangers, these motives drive our priorities, problem solving, communication style and relationships.

If you have purchased an assessment and have your login code, complete the assessment below, tell us how to provide your results, and press the submit button at the bottom of the test to begin understanding which Seven Motives drive your typical day!

I discuss topics in a logical, systematic way.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I validate discussion points and presentations by checking out the facts.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to study and do research.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I enjoy word studies and use words carefully for their exact meaning.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I use known rules or scholarly references rather than life stories to make points.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I get upset when statements are used out of context to make an argument stand.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I insist on the truth being established and used as the basis of decisions or conversation in all situations.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am very objective and rarely subjective in the evaluation of any matter.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I easily learn words and accurately use a large vocabulary.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I will emphasize the facts known and unknown, and the accuracy of words being used, in a discussion or consideration of anything.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I check and am very concerned that the credentials of any speaker are valid… I want to know where the knowledge being presented came from so I check and validate sources of information.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I prefer to teach facts or dialogue with followers instead of emotionally rallying, convincing, or persuading people to follow any cause.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I insist on staying grounded in documented facts and the scientific process… I  want existing academic works to be built upon or disproved before new ideas are blindly accepted.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I solve problems beginning with what is already known and accepted as factual.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I thrive in learning institutions or settings - I am intellectually sharp - I have encyclopedic knowledge and learn whatever I don't already know.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am serious objective and a very self disciplined person. When I set goals, I stick to them.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am emotionally self controlled and my emotions do not overtake my logic.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have a select and diverse circle of friends usually established around my fields of interest more than causes.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have strong convictions that are unwavering based upon the facts I know to be true. I will investigate if any questions exist though.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I believe facts speak for themselves and if people learn the facts they should understand the associated principles without a lot of examples.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I often neglect the practical application of the subjects that I am expert in - I am more theoretical than practical when sharing or in a discussion.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am slow to accept the viewpoints of others - I must be shown proof before a viewpoint is accepted.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can be very proud of my intellectual ability to understand and may assume others are lazy or assume that others are inferior because they do not understand the facts are the facts.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can be legalistic and dogmatic in interpretation of rules - I do not bend or budge on rules... I do not ignore slight errors. 
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I may be sidetracked by new interests easily - always learning and moving on to learn new things.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I quickly and accurately identify good and evil and I hate evil.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I see everything as black or white; I do not see gray or indefinite areas.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I easily perceive the character of individuals or groups - right or wrong, good or evil.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I encourage folks to start over and do things right rather than ignoring problems and continuing to build on a bad foundation.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I believe the acceptance of difficulties will produce positive personal growth.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have only a few close friendships.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I view the Bible or a similar book as the complete basis for truth, belief, action, and authority.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I act boldly in my life to live by spiritual principles.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am frank, outspoken, and do not mince words.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am very persuasive in my speaking abilities.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I truly hurt for people who can not see the truth and struggle because of their blindness.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am eager to see my own blind spots and to help others see theirs too.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I desire above all else to see good overcome evil and right defeat wrong.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I strongly push groups and individuals to have the highest personal integrity they can obtain and to strive for it knowing it produces maturity.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I feel called to intervene for others when "good" is losing out to "evil" or "wrong" is winning over "right."
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I feel the need to verbalize or dramatize what I can "see" so others can see it too.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I tend to be introspective.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have strong opinions and convictions.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have strict personal standards.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I strive to be obedient to my convictions at all costs.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I tend to be judgmental and blunt.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I forget to praise partial progress.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am pushy in trying to get others and groups to mature.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am intolerant of opinions and views that differ from mine.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I struggle with self image problems.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to encourage others to live life to its fullest and happily.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I watch for visual cues from those I talk to and like to see their eyes when I talk.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I like practical solutions rather than researching the facts or studying the theory.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I like to learn things that are practical rather than theoretical.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I like to coach others on what to do to get better and to grow.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to work with people and not alone.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to encourage others to develop their abilities to help others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I learn wisdom through experiences rather than studying.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to help others with their problems as a good problem solver.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I will stop helping others with their problems if they do not try to take my advice and grow.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I prefer practical application style teaching to theoretical instruction.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I believe trials, problems, and adversity help people grow if they take the opportunity to do so.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I accept people as they are without expecting perfection.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am always positive about everything.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I prefer to show people what is right by how I live (example) rather than convincing them verbally (arguing for) what is right.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I make decisions quckly and easily.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I complete what I start enthusiastically.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I dislike conflict and want to clear up conflict with others immediately.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I expect a lot of myself and others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I like to share ideas out loud with a friend rather than sit quietly and think through things.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I often interrupt others without realizing it.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am persuasive in making arguments; sometimes bending facts to make references compelling.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can sound like a broken record of the same advice over and over since sometimes I don't listen well and miss the nuance of a problem.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I blurt out my opinions fairly quickly and easily without regard for who hears it.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I sometimes am overconfident and overestimate my own capabilities.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to organize most anything.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can explain ideas and any organization to others clearly.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I prefer to be under some authority structure in order to exercise any of my authority.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I do not assume leadership unless asked to by those in authority.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I will assume leadership if no structure or authority exists in a setting.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I easily see the big picture of what needs to be done in projects and programs.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I like working on long range goals and projects.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I know how to pick the right people to get a job done.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I enjoy getting others to do things and grow in responsibility while accomplishing a project.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can take a lot criticism as long as the key things are getting done.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I enjoy everything I undertake - having great enthusiasm and interest in it.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I find my greatest satisfaction and fulfillment in working towards goals.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am happy for others to get credit in order to get a job done and complete a project.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I want to move on to something else once a project or goal is complete.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am always making written notes to myself.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am a natural and good leader - people follow me because I see the end results and get there.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I know when to change how to do things and when to stick with the plan.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I enjoy being around people and working with them.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I want to see things completed as quickly as possible.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I do not enjoy doing the same things over and over again.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can be upset when others do not work together towards the same goal.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
Sometimes I hold in my hurts when I am a target of criticism.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
Sometimes I may manipulate people to accomplish my goals.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I tend to drive myself to complete tasks - even it means neglecting my personal needs.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I sometimes neglect my family chores or responsibilities because of my intense interest in a project.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have a tremendous ability to show love to others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I always find/see the good in people.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can sense the emotions and feelings of others easily.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I seek to help others who are hurting or in distress.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I take action to remove the stress or hurts from others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am more concerned about people with emotional or mental hurts than physical hurts.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I want others to get along and care about each other.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to give others the better spot or opportunity than take it for myself.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am careful to avoid saying or doing things that might hurt another's feelings.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can easily see when people are insincere and inconsistent in their motives.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I like the company of people who are compassionate towards other people.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to do thoughtful things for other people.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am very trusting of others and I am very trustworthy.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I do not like conflict with others - it can really tear me up.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I do not like to be rushed in my work or a task.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am usually cheerful and happy.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am ruled by my heart more than my head.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to see other people at peace and I ache deeply when I see others hurt.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I support many good causes and try to involve others too.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I often think about my friends hurts and problems, and hope  will go away soon.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am a slow decision maker.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can stick with people when they get taken advantage of or hurt.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
My feelings are easily hurt.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
Sometimes I can get depressed when I think about all the hurts and sufferings of others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can be taken advantage of by others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I easily recognize practical needs and am quick to meet them.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I totally enjoy manual projects, jobs, and functions - working with my hands.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I keep everything in meticulous order.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am a detail person with a good memory for what others like.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I enjoy showing hospitality.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I will stay with something until it is finished.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have a hard time saying no to requests for help.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am more interested in meeting the needs of others than own needs.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I enjoy working on immediate goals rather than long range goals.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I demonstrate love for others through deeds and actions more than words.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I need to feel appreciated.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I tend to do more than what is asked.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I obtain my greatest joy in doing something that is helpful for someone.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I do not want to lead others or projects.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I have a high energy level.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can not stand to be around clutter.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I tend to be a perfectionist.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I view serving to be of primary importance in life.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I prefer doing a job rather than delegating it.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am very loyal in my support of others in leadership.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am critical of others who do not help out with obvious needs.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I may neglect my family's needs by being too busy helping others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can become pushy or interfering in my eagerness to help.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I find it hard to accept being served by others.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am easily hurt when unappreciated.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I give of my money or time or things freely when I believe in a plan or program.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I like to give my support to things very quietly without a lot of publicity or making a big deal about it.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I want to feel like a part of the things that I give to - I want to know it is successful.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I hate seeing people waste their lives, their time, or their talents.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to see something I give help someone directly.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I always want my gifts to be of the highest quality.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I only give when I believe in the cause and the results are sound.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
My gifts are always to support others that I believe in or help a program succeed in its efforts.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I see having people over to my house and sharing my things with them as an opportunity to give.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I manage money well - I am wise in my use of money and get great utility from it.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am quick to help out when a need is clearly defined for me.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I carefully think and consider exactly how much I should give before just giving away money or time.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am a loyal supporter and giver of money and time to causes I believe in.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I love to learn, understand, and discuss how to avoid wasting money and time.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I believe there is plenty of pie for everyone if they work smart and do not waste it on dumb ideas.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I work hard to earn money by my diligence and focus so I can invest it in worthwhile causes.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I find it easy to make money because I spot and evaluate opportunities carefully.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I do not waste money on myself - I am frugal and save rather than spending everything on me.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
It is hard to fool me - I am street smart and see through deals easily - both good and bad.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I am considered wise by those who know me.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I try to control how my gifts are used once I give them to a cause.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I sometimes am pushy trying to get others to "get in on" or "support"  the reason I am giving.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I upset others who do not understand what makes me give and why sometimes I don't give.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I may spoil my best friends or family by giving too much.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
I can sometimes be quite stingy - not spending on anything.
Never   Seldom  Sometimes  Frequently  Always
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